4 Reasons you NEED to hug your kids more!

4 Reasons you NEED to hug your kids more!
When I think back to childhood with the memories of hugs, I am one of the lucky ones.  My parents liked to hug and I can still remember the feeling of connection and affection.  

Today when I think about my parents and miss their hugs, it leaves a deep pain that is indescribable.  If I linger there too long, I start the stories of being unlovable or rejectable.  

What to do when your kids are lying and manipulating

What to do when your kids are lying and manipulating
My thoughts and insights on the topic of lying and manipulation in children. It's important to understand that children are still learning and developing their sense of reality and social interactions, and may not fully understand the concepts of lying and manipulation. It's also important to build trust with our children and have open, honest relationships with them, while respecting their boundaries and desires. Instead of labeling their behavior as manipulative or dishonest, it's helpful to approach the situation with curiosity and understanding, and work together to build trust and healthy communication. 

Why Family meetings are important and how the heck to do them!

Why Family meetings are important and how the heck to do them!
What happens when you have disagreements or need to solve a problem in your family? Do you have a planned place in your week where you have a family meeting? A time and place where everybody gets to voice their opinions and work out problems? 

2 things to do when you are feeling Burn Out!

2 things to do when you are feeling Burn Out!
First of all, let's get clear on the signs of burnout.  

Are you experiencing these?
  • Emotional exhaustion: Fatigue for caring too much for too long.
  • Depersonalization: nothing left to give to anyone
  • Decreased sense of accomplishment: an unconquerable sense of futility like nothing you do makes any difference


5 Reasons your Kids need to FAIL!

5 Reasons your Kids need to FAIL!
I find this statement from Atlas of the Heart so powerful, "There are too many people in the world today who decide to live disappointed rather than risk feeling disappointed."

So, the question is...

Are you giving your children opportunities to fail without judgment, blame, and shame?

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