How I keep from sounding like an 80 year old smoker every Spring and Fall!

How I keep from sounding like an 80 year old smoker every Spring and Fall!
I was miserable every time the season changed! It often required me to get antibiotics for sinus infections or bronchitis.

After adding these 5 practices into my life, I can now say Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons. I've been without antibiotics for over 5 years now!!

Get all 5 videos straight to your inbox! 

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Can you be a Peaceful Piggy?

As we set up our Homeschool routines this fall, I have to constantly revisit my intention for deciding to homeschool.  

Setting up successful tools and strategies for myself and my children to build a lifelong mental health practice.

I'd like to share one practice here.  We build a calm down bin with a few items that may help in times of overwhelming emotions.  In these 2 videos, we show the book and the mindful jar that you can build with your children.  

I love the analogy of the jar and the mind.  

Sometimes our thoughts are swirling and fast and with a little bit of calming time those thoughts and emotions can settle and we can think a bit clearer.

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Cancer is a journey and we don't know how long that journey is!

Cancer is a journey and we don't know how long that journey is!
It's Cancer Awareness Month.
This is something near to me and many of you have stories to share as well.  Please share below.
As I write this, I am very emotional.  
Cancer changed me.  Grief changed me.  I have taken a huge detour from where I was 3 years ago.
3 years ago, my mom had passed just over a month before from Colon Cancer.  My dad was released from the rehab facility and cancer treatments for Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  We had the hopeful feeling that he would be with us for some time to come.  Hopeful that we could spend the holiday season with him.  We got that time with him, but just after that he took a turn and we lost him that January.
I'm lucky enough to have the love and support to keep dreaming and keep reaching for my goals.  I'm also lucky enough to have discovered yoga and pranayama as a healing practice.  
Cancer and grief are 2 things that we don't discuss enough in our country.  We are expected to pick up and move on.  The body and mind will not let that happen.  
This month is Cancer Awareness Month.  
Let's be aware that Cancer is a process.  
Cancer is a journey.  
Cancer affects everyone involved.  
Cancer changes everyone involved.
Be kind, be gentle, be supportive of all emotions that arise.
Who do you fight for?

Zyia Active has been a wonderful part of my healing process from losing my parents from Cancer only 6 months apart.  I'm so happy to share that we have an extra bonus launch this month!!
Tell me who you fight for below?
$1 from the purchase of special items this month goes to Fight the Cure!!

Join my VIP shopping group HERE
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

I invested in my passions without spending THOUSANDS of $$$$ and it feels amazing!

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.  
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Check out the community of women leading Heart-Centered businesses from home  HERE!
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

How getting back to self love after grief spreads compassion

How getting back to self love after grief spreads compassion
In this podcast video, I get into the nitty gritty of just what brought me to where I'm at today. Let's just say I had to sift through lots of muck and overwhelm from childhood!
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