I am hoping to get some more stretching in to help with my stiff body (especially my lower back). It has been almost 8 years since i practiced yoga (before having kids). Specifically i want to work on 1 and 2; increase flexibility and gain muscle strength. Thanks for doing this! -Alia
Appreciated today’s affirmation - much needed as I’ve fought some severe anxiety over the last few days... looking forward to tomorrow! -Holly
My sacred space for today is a corner of my bedroom I have refallen in love with, since sprucing it up while getting our house ready for the market.
I have put my physical health so far in the back-burner since we transitioned to elearning for the kids and teleworking for us. This week, in addition to this 7 week challenge, we are trying to set up a schedule to include more workouts in our week. This yoga challenge is a great way to wind down my day. -Judy

Affirmation: I AM STRONG
Day 3: My moon salutation video
Daily Q+A: Have you noticed any changes in your thought patterns or sensations in your body yet this week? Transformation begins by bringing awareness to the body and mind.

Welcome to the 7 Day Yoga Challenge!
Buy a bag of lemons so you have enough for the week.
Set up a sacred space where you will practice each day. It doesn't have to be spectacular and if you don't have a yoga mat, that's perfectly fine. You can use a beach towel. Also, grab a towel, blanket or pillow to keep nearby as well. I've shared a picture of a space that I use at home in my bedroom. It just feels like I can enter a peaceful state of mind quicker when I use the same space and keep it special.
Set your intentions for the week--write them in a journal, choose a few favorites from the 38 benefits article. Please post one or 2 of them for us to see! We can check in on them throughout the week.