Discover the transformational power of choosing a word of the year with this impactful practice. Unlike resolutions that often fade away, having a guiding word can provide a constant reminder and affirmation for your intentions. Choose a word that represents where you want to be, what you want to focus on, or what you want to cultivate. Integrate it into your daily routine through affirmations, artwork, and reminders. See how this simple practice can help manifest your desires and lead you towards a more aligned and passionate life.

I'm a dreamer, and I love dreaming BIG!
With that said though, I often get stuck in my own head with worries and fears that don't even exist.
Once I learned to pay attention to where my energy was going, it helped me realize that the overwhelm would come in waves so I need to play with it until I let go of the fear of stepping out when paralyzed by fear.
Now when things feel overwhelming or if my mind goes into overdrive with worry about what could happen tomorrow (or worse). . . today...I take time to breathe or meditate while feeling safe and loved.
When you take care of yourself first you're able to take care of others and make yourself happy doing it!
The first step in creating sacred time is being clear about what is important to each of you and have the other respect that. Being clear about your own beliefs, values, opinions and needs will help you communicate them to your spouse in a loving way. This can be done by thinking about what makes you feel loved, appreciated or respected by your spouse.

I was that kid who once I knew what I wanted I was quick to make a decision and it was dear near impossible to get me to change my mind. Hell, I'm still like this... but I've had some growing up to do.
After all, now I have a husband and kids that I need to factor in to most decisions.
The other thing that I usually did as a child was figure out how to make that decision a reality on my own.
I was the oldest of 5 kids. My parents had twins when I was 8. Things had to change really fast. I adapted really quickly. I had to in order to keep the peace and survive in my family.
Often times, I was making decisions to take care of others around me rather than my own needs, desires, and emotions.
Fast forward to adulthood.