5 of My Favorite Books that I read in 2023

5 of My Favorite Books  that I read in 2023
Discover the flow and ease of being in 2023 with a year of slower, light heartedness. Dive into the world of fiction with Colleen Hoover books like "Verity" and "Maybe Someday." Take a deep dive into personal development with books like "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert and "Braving the Wilderness" by Brene Brown. Explore the transformative power of education with "Courage to Grow" by Laura Sandefer. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and connect with other conscious moms through Om in the Home Revolution courses and coaching.

Do this ONE THING each New Year to make change happen!

Do this ONE THING each New Year to make change happen!
Discover the transformational power of choosing a word of the year with this impactful practice. Unlike resolutions that often fade away, having a guiding word can provide a constant reminder and affirmation for your intentions. Choose a word that represents where you want to be, what you want to focus on, or what you want to cultivate. Integrate it into your daily routine through affirmations, artwork, and reminders. See how this simple practice can help manifest your desires and lead you towards a more aligned and passionate life.


Books I read in 2022

Books I read in 2022
I love to read!  It has always been a place for me to relax, to explore, to dream.  As I get deeper into motherhood and frankly, age, I want to remember the books that I read and the ones that leave an impression on me.

That's why I've compiled this book list from 2022 and shared some of my favorite excerpts.

The ONE thing to prevent Burnout in Motherhood

The ONE thing to prevent Burnout in Motherhood
I'm not going to keep you in suspense!  

It's your breath!

I know, I know, You've heard this thousands of times.  But, it's really true that if you focus on your breathing, big things manifest in your life.

Lessons from a dandelion.

Lessons from a dandelion.
"I am definitely gonna be looking at dandelions differently now. I do love the metaphor of the dandelion and how she prepares for getting "mowed over." How she buries herself deep so that regardless of what happens around her she is grounded and deeply rooted in her strength. When it comes to picturing that as our journey when we are deeply rooted in our beliefs and our strength it doesn't matter what's going on around us we will find the peace in the chaos. And that takes practice and time. And no matter how many times we get knocked down we bloom again."
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