When we feel grateful for our own lives and the body that we have, that gratitude can be felt by everyone that you come in contact with. It has to be cultivated within the family and practiced internally for the Family Mindset to transform. Let's heal the world bY starting with our own family.
"Be the Change you Wish to See in the World"
Daily Affirmation
I love myself, I love the world

Activity: Interactive Read Aloud
The whole family needs to participate!
Invitations to play
Gratitude Jar: An 'Attitude of Gratitude' takes practice and routine. Introduce this at a family meal. We keep a special jar, paper, and pens near our dining room table so we can visit this often. Our family has a tradition to read the entire year's gratitude slips on January 1st as we say goodbye to the old and invite the New Year. It's amazing to see just all that we've accomplished as a family in one year the extraordinary and the mundane!

Scavenger Hunts: Set out a basket with the Scavenger hunt, clipboards, and maybe some special writing utensils. This makes it inviting and a little bit novel seeing special items. You can also choose a special route to take.
For Younger Children:

For older children

Find the 5 Day Break THRU Boredom challenge in my facebook community too! That's where you can participate for prizes and get more free trainings.
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Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here