Discover the transformational power of choosing a word of the year with this impactful practice. Unlike resolutions that often fade away, having a guiding word can provide a constant reminder and affirmation for your intentions. Choose a word that represents where you want to be, what you want to focus on, or what you want to cultivate. Integrate it into your daily routine through affirmations, artwork, and reminders. See how this simple practice can help manifest your desires and lead you towards a more aligned and passionate life.

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you’re not on the right path?
When you’re stressed and on your way (or already in) a state of burnout?
Our bodies tell us through physical signs and symptoms, like headaches, lack of sleep, body pain, illness, they can be different for everyone. But one thing is the same, if you push for too long your body will tell you to stop.
I'm a dreamer, and I love dreaming BIG!
With that said though, I often get stuck in my own head with worries and fears that don't even exist.
Once I learned to pay attention to where my energy was going, it helped me realize that the overwhelm would come in waves so I need to play with it until I let go of the fear of stepping out when paralyzed by fear.
Now when things feel overwhelming or if my mind goes into overdrive with worry about what could happen tomorrow (or worse). . . today...I take time to breathe or meditate while feeling safe and loved.
When you take care of yourself first you're able to take care of others and make yourself happy doing it!
Do you have a case of the Shoulds in motherhood? We often lose sight of what we really want for ourselves and our children because of the external pressure that we are facing. Whether it be from school, church, your own parents, or your own life experiences, you have come to some pretty solid conclusions about what your life should look like. What if you could challenge those beliefs and start asking yourself questions in the moment?
Check in with yourself when you hear yourself saying 'should' to yourself, your kids, or anyone else in your life.