My steps to lessen the overwhelm so I can dream BIG!

My steps to lessen the overwhelm so I can dream BIG!
I'm a dreamer, and I love dreaming BIG! 

With that said though, I often get stuck in my own head with worries and fears that don't even exist. 

Once I learned to pay attention to where my energy was going, it helped me realize that the overwhelm would come in waves so I need to play with it until I let go of the fear of stepping out when paralyzed by fear. 

Now when things feel overwhelming or if my mind goes into overdrive with worry about what could happen tomorrow (or worse). . . today...I take time to breathe or meditate while feeling safe and loved. 

When you take care of yourself first you're able to take care of others and make yourself happy doing it!

4 ways to stop shaming yourself in your life!

4 ways to stop shaming yourself in your life!
Do you have a voice in your head that tells you things like: You'll never get this right. What's wrong with you? You're too sensitive, no wonder no one likes you.

Well, first of all, I'm sorry to hear that—no one should have to deal with a voice like that! 

But if you're struggling with unkind or self-depricating thoughts and wondering why they seem so persistent, then read on. 

5 Reasons your Kids need to FAIL!

5 Reasons your Kids need to FAIL!
I find this statement from Atlas of the Heart so powerful, "There are too many people in the world today who decide to live disappointed rather than risk feeling disappointed."

So, the question is...

Are you giving your children opportunities to fail without judgment, blame, and shame?