Everyone has something that they hide and are ashamed about. Only in some cases, it is not a mistake or an imperfection that they want to hide, but a real diamond in the rough.
What's the diamond that you’re hiding?

Gosh, I love listening to podcasts!
Not only because I need to block out the world sometimes and preserve my sanity, but also because I love learning deeper truths about other people and subsequently myself too!
Here are some that really stood out this year for me on my self discovery journey. Share your favorites in the comments below.
What happens when you have disagreements or need to solve a problem in your family? Do you have a planned place in your week where you have a family meeting? A time and place where everybody gets to voice their opinions and work out problems?
The first step in creating sacred time is being clear about what is important to each of you and have the other respect that. Being clear about your own beliefs, values, opinions and needs will help you communicate them to your spouse in a loving way. This can be done by thinking about what makes you feel loved, appreciated or respected by your spouse.

Do you have a voice in your head that tells you things like: You'll never get this right. What's wrong with you? You're too sensitive, no wonder no one likes you.
Well, first of all, I'm sorry to hear that—no one should have to deal with a voice like that!
But if you're struggling with unkind or self-depricating thoughts and wondering why they seem so persistent, then read on.