My steps to lessen the overwhelm so I can dream BIG!

My steps to lessen the overwhelm so I can dream BIG!
I'm a dreamer, and I love dreaming BIG! 

With that said though, I often get stuck in my own head with worries and fears that don't even exist. 

Once I learned to pay attention to where my energy was going, it helped me realize that the overwhelm would come in waves so I need to play with it until I let go of the fear of stepping out when paralyzed by fear. 

Now when things feel overwhelming or if my mind goes into overdrive with worry about what could happen tomorrow (or worse). . . today...I take time to breathe or meditate while feeling safe and loved. 

When you take care of yourself first you're able to take care of others and make yourself happy doing it!

5 things that helped me sleep better

5 things that helped me sleep better
If you're struggling with sleep issues, whether it's due to pregnancy, parenting, or work stress, there are ways to improve your sleep quality. Setting a consistent bedtime routine can work wonders, such as avoiding food before bed and turning off screens an hour prior to sleep. Exercise during the day, even a short walk, can help reduce stress and promote better sleep. Consider taking supplements like magnesium, melatonin, valerian, or lavender to aid in sleep, and engage in relaxation activities like reading, taking a bath with essential oils, or practicing mindfulness exercises. Ultimately, forming new habits one step at a time can lead to improved sleep, so try implementing these suggestions and see if they make a difference for you.

My Journey with Intermittent Fasting: Finding Balance and Wellness

My Journey with Intermittent Fasting: Finding Balance and Wellness
I've never liked the idea of dieting, buying low fat, or putting some sort of metabolism boosting pill in my body.  But, after 2 kids and realizing that I needed to do something differently besides exercise more, I was attracted towards Intermittent Fasting.  My yoga teacher and mentor had been posting about her journey on Facebook and she inspired me to try it.  I began January 2019.  Read to the end to find all the resources that I used on my journey.