10 ways to make Family Camping easy so you can relax too!

10 ways to make Family Camping easy so you can relax too!
Here are 10 ways to make family camping easy, so you can relax and enjoy your time in the great outdoors:


How to Find your Star Power When you feel dull and don’t want to shine

How to Find your Star Power When you feel dull and don’t want to shine
Everyone has something that they hide and are ashamed about. Only in some cases, it is not a mistake or an imperfection that they want to hide, but a real diamond in the rough. 

What's the diamond that you’re hiding?


What to do when your kids are lying and manipulating

What to do when your kids are lying and manipulating
My thoughts and insights on the topic of lying and manipulation in children. It's important to understand that children are still learning and developing their sense of reality and social interactions, and may not fully understand the concepts of lying and manipulation. It's also important to build trust with our children and have open, honest relationships with them, while respecting their boundaries and desires. Instead of labeling their behavior as manipulative or dishonest, it's helpful to approach the situation with curiosity and understanding, and work together to build trust and healthy communication. 

Podcasts I loved in 2022

Podcasts I loved in 2022
Gosh, I love listening to podcasts! 

Not only because I need to block out the world sometimes and preserve my sanity, but also because I love learning deeper truths about other people and subsequently myself too!

Here are some that really stood out this year for me on my self discovery journey.  Share your favorites in the comments below.

Books I read in 2022

Books I read in 2022
I love to read!  It has always been a place for me to relax, to explore, to dream.  As I get deeper into motherhood and frankly, age, I want to remember the books that I read and the ones that leave an impression on me.

That's why I've compiled this book list from 2022 and shared some of my favorite excerpts.
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