For most of my childhood, I was faced with things I was against the way that my parents interacted with each other, the way that they didn't take care of themselves, and even the way that they socialized.
When I was struggling a few years back trying to determine what I was for in my teaching career, in my marriage, and in my parenting, I had to really simplify to figure out my highest values. I had gone so far into what other people wanted from me and for me that I had lost vision. I had also been fighting for so long against the things I was against in teaching, parenting, and my marriage.
As I began to look at what I was for more than what I was against, I started to understand personal healthy boundaries a bit more. To set my boundaries, I have to ask myself what am I ok with and not ok with in how I treat MYSELF.
I was no longer living in the moment and in the things that I loved. I was resentful and angry because I hadn't been treating myself the way I wanted to be treated. It was time to make some changes.
Listen to this video to find out what changes I had to make.
You'll find resources on determining values, setting healthy boundaries and so much more in my community for moms called Reactive to Relaxed: self care without the Mom Guilt.
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here