I love to read! It has always been a place for me to relax, to explore, to dream. As I get deeper into motherhood and frankly, age, I want to remember the books that I read and the ones that leave an impression on me.
That's why I've compiled this book list from 2022 and shared some of my favorite excerpts.
Which ones have you read?
Which ones do you still want to read?
Leave your comments below.
(I've also provided my affiliate links for purchase.)
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
"We have to belong to ourselves as much as we need to belong to others. Any belonging that asks us to betray ourselves is not true belonging."
"Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."

Hold on to your Kids- Why Parents need to matter more than peers
by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate
"Adults who ground their parenting in solid relationship with the child parent intuitively. They do not have to resort to techniques and manuals but act from understanding and empathy."
“Once again, parents must become the buffer to society, not the agent of society.”

You Can overcome anything with Love by Cesar R. Espino
From my chapter: "But, that was so short lived because we got word from my mom that she had colon cancer and my world turned upside down. Actually, I felt like my world went to another planet. As I write this, I'm not sure exactly what the events and dates were. It's so surreal. I immediately took on the strong role again. The emotionally stable rock, the big sister, the listening ear, the nurturing mom to my kiddos. A lot like my mom did many times before. She really didn't show signs of being scared or sad. She showed hope, resiliency and love. We didn't know how sick she really was. She went through the rounds of chemo like a champ with my dad by her side and short visits from her kids. By fall. She told us it was good. The cancer was in remission. We had no clue. We thought we had years with her."

90 Days to Joyful Living by Tanya Milano
An excerpt:
Let’s focus on the jaw and mouth for a few days.
Today, your assignment is to yawn enthusiastically anytime you can!! Really wide and really loud. There really is a reason for this!! Go back and do the challenge to find out why!!! Afterall, This is what the 90 Days to Joyful Living is for. Don’t take my word for it. Do the work!!

Never Broken by Jewel
"Let go of shame. Shame does nothing but drown us in that which we wish to be free from. Communication is the antithesis of shame. Give your worst fears a voice--speak out loud your deepest, most shameful thoughts. None of us have a secret shame that others don't share in the world."
"We are never broken." I believe we forget who we are over time, and in our state of forgetfulness we struggle and employ all kinds of learned behaviors that don't necessarily help us or bring us happiness.
"I needed to know great darkness to know my light. I needed to understand extreme constraint to know my freedom. I needed to face shame to know my worth."

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
"Time spent rationalizing the mediocre could be time spent creating the magnificent."
"The kind of discomfort that is equal parts Eek and HELL YEAH. Fear and excitement are 2 sides of the same coin. Otherwise known as the rush, it is the critical thrilling discomfort of living large and in charge."
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