Following the guidance of a guru in times of overwhelm

Energies are extremely high and volatile in our global and national arenas right now.  

As someone who takes on a lot of other's pain and discomforts, I often find it difficult to ground myself and find clarity.  I understand that I need time in nature, time with meditation, and time with research.  With 2 small kids at home, that's next to impossible!

But, I still need to have a routine.  So, I like to follow a monthly rhythm to find these things.  I listen to and read from several different mentors/gurus/teachers whatever you'd like to call them.  

I've shared the astrology ones in this post because we're celebrating July 4th in the US.  It's a full moon partial lunar eclipse.   There is a lot of unrest and we all feel it!  It can be super overwhelming. 

These 2 lovely ladies have given me something to focus on rather than sit and twindle my thumbs feeling helpless.

Ananda Shree Astrology: A 13 minute video

Pam Gregory: A 24 minute video

My biggest takeaway from these 2 videos is that we always have what we need inside. We need to cultivate our feelings of self worth, love, and peace.  If we continue to give this our attention, abundance will come.  Also, this is a perfect time in astrology to set goals and pursue those goals.  The planets are aligned for you!!

Feel like you're lacking in a few areas of your life like confidence, health, relationships, and finances? 
Starting July 10, I will challenge you to get intentional and use your Abundance essential oil every single day to bring more abundance into your life.
We will be focusing on four specific categories throughout the month:
Week 1: Confidence & Mindfulness
Week 2: Health
Week 3: Relationships
Week 4: Finances (Career/Life Purpose)
If you want more abundance in these areas in your life, participate every day!
**** You will need a bottle of Abundance oil to effectively participate in this Challenge. *****

This is one of my favorite oils.  It's heavenly and makes me feel wonderful!

Abundance™ combines oils such as Orange and Ginger, which were used by ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace.
After ordering, send me an email and I can give the link to our private facebook group and you get a free journal!

You will also like my free guide where I give you my favorite sleep inducing oil recipe: 3 Ways to Live Simply When Life Gets Complicated!

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here
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