21 Day Sugar Detox and Intermittent fasting

This will become a lifestyle, NOT a fad diet!!

We will be reading Delay, Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens. It's available on 

Here’s what we will do each day:

Read 1 chapter

Take a 20 minute walk

Do a 10 minutes of detox stretching

Try a new recipe or ingredient

Eat ONLY inside an eating window (I have a gradual schedule.)

Eat one sweet treat! (if you want to)
Drink black coffee, herbal tea, or lemon water outside your eating window.

Take some gut healing supplements

Sleep as close to 10pm-6am

Get 15 minutes of sun

There are NO mistakes with Intermittent Fasting

We will take baby steps and if one day doesn't work, that's ok!  Just pick up and try again the next day!!
I will be your biggest cheerleader!!

Read the section called Precautionary Step Before Fasting

The immune system needs support through diet and exercise!

We can't reduce inflammation without dealing with stress in the body!  Please read the section entitled Chronic Stress.

Are you Ready to Join the 21 Day Detox and Intermittent Fast?
I promise I won't leave your side!!  We're in this together! 


Copyright Tanya Milano