Are You Ready To be more Compassionate with Yourself in your parenting?

You’ve Tried All The Theories…

…heard from the experts and read all the books but, 
no matter how much you work at being a conscious parent, you feel like you’re failing. 

Slow down. There’s another way. 

Parenting Paused is an eight-week parenting course where you’ll learn to release control and create an emotionally safe home where everyone feels seen, heard, cared for, and connected — including you. 
In this course you’ll discover and learn how to apply the foundations of Purejoy Parenting, including the transformational SafeSeat process that will turn your parenting around.


You can be the mom you've dreamt of!

Book a chat to see if this is a fit for you or your organization through emailing

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What You’ll Get...

Parenting Course Online Material
Parenting Paused includes one lesson per week with videos, audios, and written material
Four Live Support Calls
Parenting Paused includes one live, interactive experience with a Purejoy Coach personally every other week
Community Support and Guidance
Parenting Paused includes access to our private members-only support community, where you can connect with other parents who are consciously working to raise healthy kids and share your experiences (because it helps to know you’re not alone).

WHAT YOU’LL Learn...

  • How to create a feeling of safety for both you and your child when emotions are high and the struggle is real
  • How to turn down the volume on those limiting beliefs that parenting with joy and ease is “hard” or “impossible” (and how to finally feel hopeful and motivated in your parenting
  • How to understand your triggers and how to handle them when it feels like your child just won’t stop pushing your buttons
  • How to be receptive to new beliefs and discover the difference between feeling selfish and being selfish
  • How to set personal boundaries and ensure your emotional safety—and your child’s
  • How to use the power of kindness, instead of guilt and shaming, even when it feels hard (and six easy-to-learn practices that will make kindness a part of your daily routine)
  • How to communicate with your child using ‘Open-Hearted Relating” and be their ‘Guide’ (instead of their Drill Sergeant)
  • How to say “Yes” to YOU and continue on the path YOU have chose
What people are saying...

Tanya's presence held space for me to look inside and find the 'answers' to my parenting struggles. She shone the flashlight onto the brilliance of who I am and the possibilities that exist through doing the SafeSeat practice.

- Lisa S

What is a Coach?

I see, hear, and understand my client's struggles, set backs, and really difficult emotions.  I'll work alongside you in supporting your journey of self compassion and joy in your life.

I really listen to you!

What coaching is and is not:                        
Coaching is not therapy or consulting or counseling. A parent coach holds the client in a space of their inherent wholeness and wisdom. 
Through skillful and deliberate questions a coach supports their client to discover new possibilities within life situations that might seem stagnant or obstructing to their happiness. The process is always determined by the client's willingness and readiness to affect changes for themselves. The coach has no other agenda than to support the process of self- discovery with joy and open-mindedness. Once a new vision of possibility has emerged, a skillful coach will help co-create actions and practices that support the client in actualizing the new awareness that has surfaced during the coaching conversation. The accountability is with the client, but a coach can be very helpful in assisting a deeper look into the nature of "setbacks" or perceived failures. Learning and moving forward is paramount. 

Cultivate Self Compassion in your parenting.  Don't wait any longer!

Book a chat to see if it's a fit.  
Do you want to book a group of 6 or more?
Would you like a payment plan?

DISCLAIMER: Coaching is not counseling, therapy, mentoring or sponsoring. Coaching may address specific personal issues about parenting your child, how you were parented as well as general conditions in your life.


Copyright Tanya Milano