1. Get enough sleep.
My husband and I do our best to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.
Here is my blog on how we get a good night's sleep.
Click here to get my free guide to see our bedtime routine.

2. Vitamin D Supplements and time outside (yes, even in the winter!)
These are the supplements that we love! Here are some great things to add to your diet!

3. Vitamin C Supplements and we try to eat and drink fruits and vegetables every day.
These are the supplements that we love! We make smoothies and add lemon to our water very often. Here is a list of foods high in Vitamin C.

4. We use Thieves oil everywhere!
We use the entire line of products daily for cleaning and for our bodies. I carry the Thieves spray with me and my kids use the mouthwash as a spray too. We use it in our throats and mouths to keep from getting sick. The toothpaste has helped my sensitive gums. We diffuse and apply the oil too.

Go here to find the Thieves Starter bundle under other premium starter kits. Honestly, the Thieves starter bundle is an amazing deal. Everything is highly concentrated and if diluted properly lasts a very long time!
5. Probiotics

Would you like to learn more about Thieves cleaning products?
Click here to receive a few emails to learn more!! I love them so much!!
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Peace of mind comes from having all of the tools already at home. When one of the family members starts to feel under the wellness line, we just use what we already have in the Doctor Mom arsenal!
This is how I avoid feelings of overwhelm:
1. Increase all of the things on my list of every day immune system help.
See that blog here!
2. Stay away from sugar and dairy as soon as we feel a bit crummy.
I give tea with honey instead. And we like to have honey with cinnamon as well. Cinnamon is an immune stimulator!
3. Start diffusing cleansing oils to purify the air or help with respiratory illnesses.
These are a couple of great ones: Thieves, Purification, and RC.
4. Set up a spot for the sick person with all of the following:
- own pillow and blanket
- bandana and tissues
- Thieves hand sanitizer
- Thieves mouth spray
- Purification roller bottle
- Detox Tea with honey
5. I spray every few hours with Thieves cleaner and wipe down surfaces.
Would you like to learn more about Thieves products?
Click here to get a series of emails straight to your inbox! I love these products so much!
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Here are a few people that expressed WHY they wanted to do a 7 day yoga challenge and HOW it helped them focus on self care again!
I am hoping to get some more stretching in to help with my stiff body (especially my lower back). It has been almost 8 years since i practiced yoga (before having kids). Specifically i want to work on 1 and 2; increase flexibility and gain muscle strength. Thanks for doing this! -Alia
Appreciated today’s affirmation - much needed as I’ve fought some severe anxiety over the last few days... looking forward to tomorrow! -Holly
"Definitely need this after a long day...have to remind myself to breathe during some of the stretches but it feels great! Ready for tomorrow!" -Jessica
My sacred space for today is a corner of my bedroom I have refallen in love with, since sprucing it up while getting our house ready for the market.
"I'm doing midnight yoga here, because quarantine life!" --Judy
"Today was challenging, but I persisted. Work was crazy, the kids had their own things going on. I took a few minutes for myself and let go of the weight I was feeling. Thank you for this challenge!" -Kallie
I have put my physical health so far in the back-burner since we transitioned to elearning for the kids and teleworking for us. This week, in addition to this 7 week challenge, we are trying to set up a schedule to include more workouts in our week. This yoga challenge is a great way to wind down my day. -Judy
"When thinking about my intention and being centered, I can and should be taking control of my time in a way that helps me feel and be more healthy. I struggle with this because I am a giver - I give to my kids, my husband, my job, etc. Being home has actually required me to give even more, in that I don't have the help of sitters and family." -Kallie
"This challenge has helped me take control of self-care while letting go of what I think it "should" look like. Yoga in my bedroom with a three year old climbing on me still counts. I still expressed my need to do this for myself. I still showed up." -Kallie
Are you ready to jump in to a 7 day Yoga Challenge?
Click HERE to get the blog posts straight to your inbox and join my Conscious Moms facebook group today!!!
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here
Energies are extremely high and volatile in our global and national arenas right now.
As someone who takes on a lot of other's pain and discomforts, I often find it difficult to ground myself and find clarity. I understand that I need time in nature, time with meditation, and time with research. With 2 small kids at home, that's next to impossible!
But, I still need to have a routine. So, I like to follow a monthly rhythm to find these things. I listen to and read from several different mentors/gurus/teachers whatever you'd like to call them.
I've shared the astrology ones in this post because we're celebrating July 4th in the US. It's a full moon partial lunar eclipse. There is a lot of unrest and we all feel it! It can be super overwhelming.
These 2 lovely ladies have given me something to focus on rather than sit and twindle my thumbs feeling helpless.
Ananda Shree Astrology: A 13 minute video
Pam Gregory: A 24 minute video
My biggest takeaway from these 2 videos is that we always have what we need inside. We need to cultivate our feelings of self worth, love, and peace. If we continue to give this our attention, abundance will come. Also, this is a perfect time in astrology to set goals and pursue those goals. The planets are aligned for you!!
Feel like you're lacking in a few areas of your life like confidence, health, relationships, and finances?
Starting July 10, I will challenge you to get intentional and use your Abundance essential oil every single day to bring more abundance into your life.
We will be focusing on four specific categories throughout the month:
Week 1: Confidence & Mindfulness
Week 2: Health
Week 3: Relationships
Week 4: Finances (Career/Life Purpose)
If you want more abundance in these areas in your life, participate every day!
**** You will need a bottle of Abundance oil to effectively participate in this Challenge. *****
This is one of my favorite oils. It's heavenly and makes me feel wonderful!
Abundance™ combines oils such as Orange and Ginger, which were used by ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace.
After ordering, send me an email and I can give the link to our private facebook group and you get a free journal!
You will also like my free guide where I give you my favorite sleep inducing oil recipe: 3 Ways to Live Simply When Life Gets Complicated!
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Since I can remember, I've been an over thinker, worrier, busybody, observer, and curious human being.
- I was a nail biter as a child.
- I couldn't fall asleep with any noise (tv, music, people talking).
- I often needed touch or distraction to relax. My best friend and I would massage and play pictionary on each other's backs to fall asleep.
- The way that I learned to calm myself and self regulate was to be outside in nature.
- I loved being in the trees, hiding in the brush, or swimming in the pond.
To this day, every bit of my mind, body, and soul needs time 'with' nature.
Notice my choice of saying 'with nature' rather than 'in nature.'
On this Father's Day, I reflect on how my dad was a model for my mindfulness practice. He enjoyed being 'with nature.' He showed us how to pay attention and how to feel your surroundings in your body. We enjoyed our experiences 'with nature' with our full bodies (all of our senses.) We were totally present!!
So, here is where we get to the adult section of this blog post. You're saying to yourself, "That sounds amazing as a child" or "Well, I don't have time to do that very often."
- You don't have to have a specific meditation time and space.
- All you need is awareness and gratitude! All you need is Love, do, do, do, do, do.
- Focus on the things that bring joy to your soul.
- Wash, Rinse, Repeat as often as you can so that it becomes daily habit.
Thank you to my dad for helping cultivate this and the importance of nature to my well-being. Without this, I would be struggling so much (or more than I already do.)
On this 2nd Father's Day since my dad lost his battle with lung cancer, I choose to focus on the Joy that we shared together! I choose to take the time to cultivate joyful experiences for myself. (Disclaimer: This by no means that I don't allow myself time for sadness.)
Joy is my job during times of overwhelm.
If you like this blog, you should check out my 7 day Yoga challenge in my blog or in my Private Facebook Group.
I also have a Family Mindset Series to focus on shifting the collective emotions of the family.
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here