It's important to me for my kids to be happy and content with the lives that they were given. And I hope they develop that value as well.
This means that gratitude practice had to be a main focus in our family!

Just take a look at all of the benefits of a Gratitude practice!

Here are a few things that we do as a family to practice Gratitude:
1. We keep a gratitude jar. A couple of times per week, we will write what we are thankful for on slips of paper and place them in a jar that we keep in our dining room. On New Year's Day, we celebrate a new year by reading all of the memories and being thankful for all that the previous year had to offer us. We then start the process again for the next year. It's amazing to see all of the special moments that we shared during the year. Focusing on the positive really outweighs any negatives!

2. We tell people THANK YOU! We really try to make it a point to call, text, or write people to express our gratitude for messages or gifts. We love to make artwork or food to share with people as a thank you too!
3. We notice beautiful things as we walk or drive and point them out. If you've ever read or watched Winnie the Pooh, he does this simple exercise of simply naming things as he passes by. It was in the movie Christopher Robin. This simple act as we hike or drive just reminds us of the beauty that surrounds us.
4. We find joy in each other with special family activities throughout the week, month, or year. Simple things like game night, fancy dinner night, or tickle time. Make sure to schedule reflection and connection time.
Check out my pinterest board on Gratitude to implement your own family gratitude practice!
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Jump into my FB Community to find it! There are so many great resources in the guide section. PLUS, soooo much more.
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