Books I read in 2022

Books I read in 2022
I love to read!  It has always been a place for me to relax, to explore, to dream.  As I get deeper into motherhood and frankly, age, I want to remember the books that I read and the ones that leave an impression on me.

That's why I've compiled this book list from 2022 and shared some of my favorite excerpts.

How do you know when you’re burning out?

How do you know when you’re burning out?
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you’re not on the right path? 

When you’re stressed and on your way (or already in) a state of burnout?

Our bodies tell us through physical signs and symptoms, like headaches, lack of sleep, body pain, illness, they can be different for everyone. But one thing is the same, if you push for too long your body will tell you to stop.

My steps to lessen the overwhelm so I can dream BIG!

My steps to lessen the overwhelm so I can dream BIG!
I'm a dreamer, and I love dreaming BIG! 

With that said though, I often get stuck in my own head with worries and fears that don't even exist. 

Once I learned to pay attention to where my energy was going, it helped me realize that the overwhelm would come in waves so I need to play with it until I let go of the fear of stepping out when paralyzed by fear. 

Now when things feel overwhelming or if my mind goes into overdrive with worry about what could happen tomorrow (or worse). . . today...I take time to breathe or meditate while feeling safe and loved. 

When you take care of yourself first you're able to take care of others and make yourself happy doing it!

3 steps to an Abundant Mindset

3 steps to an Abundant Mindset
We all want to live a life of abundance, but sometimes it's hard to know what that means or how to get there. 

Using some consistent practices can shift your mindset and welcome in abundance.  

Here are 3 steps I take daily.

1. Daily affirmations

  • Affirmations are positive statements about who you are, what you want, and what you believe. They're also called mantras, declarations or decrees.
  • Affirmations help to change your life by changing the way that you think and feel about yourself. As a result of this process of self-talk, affirmations can help to improve your health, wealth and relationships in the present moment as well as for the future
  • You can write down some affirmations on paper or post them on your mirror at home where they'll be visible every day - or even better still - speak them out loud into a tape recorder so that they become an integral part of your daily routine!

2. Use essential oils

The first step to shifting your mindset is to use essential oils. These powerful, fragrant compounds can be used topically or diffused to help shift your mindset and create the life you desire.

When choosing an essential oil blend, look for one that contains both relaxing and energizing ingredients so that you’re able to harness both sides of the brain (one side being more logical and focused while the other is intuitive and open-minded).

I love using Abundance essential oil.  It's one of my favorites. Order yours here.

3. Weekly journal prompts

Journal prompts are designed to help you focus on your goals each week and create a plan for the future. They will help you think about different areas in your life such as confidence and mindset, health, relationships, and finances/career purpose.

I love hearing from you! 

Put your favorites in the comments below.

By training your brain you can change your life.

There are many ways to train your brain and it’s important to do so regularly. In fact, it can be the key to changing a negative mindset into a positive one!

Brain exercises have been shown to improve mood, increase focus and concentration, reduce stress levels and boost memory function. 

These are all things we want in our lives when trying to attract abundance and prosperity into our world! 

As such, I recommend doing something every day like meditating or reading something inspirational (yes – even if you read it on paper.)

As you can see, changing your mindset and creating new habits is within reach. The key to doing this is by taking advantage of neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to change over time - even as an adult! 

The more you practice these affirmations, journal prompts and other tools, the easier it will be for you to create new thought patterns that align with your goals. 

Watch my video here.

How about joining a Free 30 Day Abundance challenge with daily affirmations, weekly journal prompts, and accountability through email or text?

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Lessons from a dandelion.

Lessons from a dandelion.
"I am definitely gonna be looking at dandelions differently now. I do love the metaphor of the dandelion and how she prepares for getting "mowed over." How she buries herself deep so that regardless of what happens around her she is grounded and deeply rooted in her strength. When it comes to picturing that as our journey when we are deeply rooted in our beliefs and our strength it doesn't matter what's going on around us we will find the peace in the chaos. And that takes practice and time. And no matter how many times we get knocked down we bloom again."
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