The first step in creating sacred time is being clear about what is important to each of you and have the other respect that. Being clear about your own beliefs, values, opinions and needs will help you communicate them to your spouse in a loving way. This can be done by thinking about what makes you feel loved, appreciated or respected by your spouse.

Do you have a voice in your head that tells you things like: You'll never get this right. What's wrong with you? You're too sensitive, no wonder no one likes you.
Well, first of all, I'm sorry to hear that—no one should have to deal with a voice like that!
But if you're struggling with unkind or self-depricating thoughts and wondering why they seem so persistent, then read on.
"I am definitely gonna be looking at dandelions differently now. I do love the metaphor of the dandelion and how she prepares for getting "mowed over." How she buries herself deep so that regardless of what happens around her she is grounded and deeply rooted in her strength. When it comes to picturing that as our journey when we are deeply rooted in our beliefs and our strength it doesn't matter what's going on around us we will find the peace in the chaos. And that takes practice and time. And no matter how many times we get knocked down we bloom again."
First of all, let's get clear on the signs of burnout.
Are you experiencing these?
- Emotional exhaustion: Fatigue for caring too much for too long.
- Depersonalization: nothing left to give to anyone
- Decreased sense of accomplishment: an unconquerable sense of futility like nothing you do makes any difference

Growing up I watched my parents ignore their bodies and internalized more than I realized. I decided that, as an adult, when I feel something is not feeling comfortable in my body, I will do something to support a change.