Why Gratitude is the Best Attitude Even Through Difficult Emotions

Why Gratitude is the Best Attitude Even Through Difficult Emotions
Grief really is a journey and feeling all of the emotions is the only way to keep on moving forward.
So, I stopped and felt the emotions for a minute sending those tender feelings some kindness. And, I felt loved.  I felt enough in that moment. Grateful for the love that I can still feel from my mom.


3 Important Ways to say Goodbye to a Home

3 Important Ways to say Goodbye to a Home

I spent a few weeks really enjoying some of our favorite things to do in this home and the surrounding area with the intention of seeing them through the eyes of gratitude.  The walks out my door were spent grounding into the energy and connecting with all the parts of my 5 and a half year experience.

 I felt really good with letting go and detaching my energy from this location until I was in the middle of packing.  It was the day before we were to leave.  The house was almost empty.  That’s when the tears started flowing.  


How Self Awareness is important to Family Values

How Self Awareness is important to Family Values

Tapping into your core values as a family requires that you develop some deep self awareness.  We have this ideal or fantasy of what our family will be or should be. Based on our own lack from growing up, we strive to fill in this gap.


I just miss my LITTLE boy! OK!

I just miss my LITTLE boy! OK!
I teared up today when I watched my son walk into school.  He looked back at me and waved and then proceeded confidently into the building.  

In that moment, I was flooded with emotion.  It was so unexpected.
After a year being with him as a homeschooled mom, I was more than ready for him to go to school.  I had a lot of projects that I was excited to work on.  I was moving into my own purpose as a work at home mom and playing and enriching his day was no longer high up on my list of priorities.  

He was so motivated to see friends and play with new toys.  He was proud of his school projects and it didn't take me much effort to get him ready and out the door to school.  I had been pleasantly surprised and honestly had prepared myself for hard mornings.  He wasn't having any hard mornings!

So, why am I having these strong feelings as I watch him independently leave ME?! I mean, I was a teacher for years and watched countless parents in this same struggle.

Suddenly, I'm watching my almost 5 year old just nonchalantly walking away.  All the internal dialogue begins.

"He doesn't need me anymore."

"He shouldn't have to grow up so soon."

"I'm doing the wrong thing going back to work."

"Should I change his schedule so he's not gone so much."

The thing is...when I tapped into my heart, it really was that I just missed my baby!!  I want this time to slow down and I want to enjoy time with him.  

It was OK to miss him AND it's OK to be sad.
Now, here's what I can do in this moment of emotion to shift this internal dialogue.  I still want him to go to school and I still want to work on my passion and purpose.  We will spend some special time together.  We love to hike and bike together. 

It was time to plan a Mother/Son outing!!
None of this scenario was about my son. It was all about what I can do to tap into my heart and lead motherhood from a place of internal wisdom.  I have to feel the longing to rise above it and find the joy in it.

It's that simple.  Feel it all.

If you are needing someone to talk to you about conflicting emotions in motherhood, please book a free tea talk with me.  In this chat, we can discuss if any of my coaching programs can help you navigate life's changes. You don't have to feel alone in any of it.

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

How to build a better relationship with your Mom when she's not there for you

How to build a better relationship with your Mom when she's not there for you
For years, I wanted nothing to do with being my mom.  I was determined to not be my mom.  I was going to be a more balanced and gentle mom.  A mom that saw her children for all of their weaknesses and not just their strengths.

Then, I suddenly recognized her voice and behaviors in me.  People started telling me all of the time that I look like her too.  I was being critical of my children and nagging.  I was flying off the handle when I didn't get what I wanted.  I was taking it personally when my kids didn't like something that I liked.  

I had organized my life around not doing those things.  Why was I doing just the things that I didn't want to do?

I knew there was something more than just practicing yoga, eating healthy, and reading positive discipline books.  Even my husband was telling me, 'why can't you practice what you preach.'

The question I asked myself was: 

How do we break through unconscious limiting beliefs when we don't even know what they are?

Trying to define yourself is like biting your own teeth --Alan Watts

Sometimes we need a self awareness practice and a coach!  Join me in this Mother's Day awareness practice.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/SuEXMcqUC2A

I have a weekly coaching call to connect with some of our deepest vulnerabilities.  

Are you ready to face them?

Jump into my FB group and join us in this sacred community to feel seen, heard, and understood in all of your limitations.  

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here
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