Are you ready to put yourself first? Need a little coaching?

Give me 24 days and I'll give you better sleep, more energy, weight loss, and stress reduction!

Get Back to Self is my program specifically designed to give you tools to reduce stress and refocus on your body.

We'll work on these 4 areas:
  1. Breathwork and mindfulness
  2. Self love/gratitude
  3. Sleep and restoration
  4. Unblocking Creativity 
Email with subject "reduce stress" and we can chat about the program to see if it's right for you!
Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Stop wishing. Start doing. How to create an abundant life!

Stop wishing. Start doing. How to create an abundant life!
Feel like you're lacking in a few areas of your life like confidence, health, relationships, and finances?

7 Day Yoga Challenge is what YOU need!!! Don't take my word for it!

7 Day Yoga Challenge is what YOU need!!! Don't take my word for it!
Here are a few people that expressed WHY they wanted to do a 7 day yoga challenge and HOW it helped them focus on self care again!

I am hoping to get some more stretching in to help with my stiff body (especially my lower back). It has been almost 8 years since i practiced yoga (before having kids). Specifically i want to work on 1 and 2; increase flexibility and gain muscle strength. Thanks for doing this! -Alia
Appreciated today’s affirmation - much needed as I’ve fought some severe anxiety over the last few days... looking forward to tomorrow! -Holly
"Definitely need this after a long day...have to remind myself to breathe during some of the stretches but it feels great! Ready for tomorrow!" -Jessica

My sacred space for today is a corner of my bedroom I have refallen in love with, since sprucing it up while getting our house ready for the market.
"I'm doing midnight yoga here, because quarantine life!" --Judy

"Today was challenging, but I persisted. Work was crazy, the kids had their own things going on. I took a few minutes for myself and let go of the weight I was feeling. Thank you for this challenge!" -Kallie

I have put my physical health so far in the back-burner since we transitioned to elearning for the kids and teleworking for us. This week, in addition to this 7 week challenge, we are trying to set up a schedule to include more workouts in our week. This yoga challenge is a great way to wind down my day. -Judy
"When thinking about my intention and being centered, I can and should be taking control of my time in a way that helps me feel and be more healthy. I struggle with this because I am a giver - I give to my kids, my husband, my job, etc. Being home has actually required me to give even more, in that I don't have the help of sitters and family." -Kallie

"This challenge has helped me take control of self-care while letting go of what I think it "should" look like. Yoga in my bedroom with a three year old climbing on me still counts. I still expressed my need to do this for myself. I still showed up." -Kallie

Are you ready to jump in to a 7 day Yoga Challenge?  

Click HERE to get the blog posts straight to your inbox and join my Conscious Moms facebook group today!!!

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

Joy is my job during times of overwhelm

Joy is my job during times of overwhelm
Since I can remember, I've been an over thinker, worrier, busybody, observer, and curious human being. 
  • I was a nail biter as a child. 
  • I couldn't fall asleep with any noise (tv, music, people talking).
  • I often needed touch or distraction to relax.  My best friend and I would massage and play pictionary on each other's backs to fall asleep.
  • The way that I learned to calm myself and self regulate was to be outside in nature.  
  • I loved being in the trees, hiding in the brush, or swimming in the pond.
To this day, every bit of my mind, body, and soul needs time 'with' nature.  
Notice my choice of saying 'with nature' rather than 'in nature.'

On this Father's Day, I reflect on how my dad was a model for my mindfulness practice.  He enjoyed being 'with nature.'  He showed us how to pay attention and how to feel your surroundings in your body.  We enjoyed our experiences 'with nature' with our full bodies (all of our senses.)  We were totally present!!

So, here is where we get to the adult section of this blog post.  You're saying to yourself, "That sounds amazing as a child" or "Well, I don't have time to do that very often."

Just a bit of advice about being mindful throughout the day.  Watch my video explanation.
  1. You don't have to have a specific meditation time and space. 
  2. All you need is awareness and gratitude! All you need is Love, do, do, do, do, do.
  3. Focus on the things that bring joy to your soul. 
  4. Wash, Rinse, Repeat as often as you can so that it becomes daily habit.
Thank you to my dad for helping cultivate this and the importance of nature to my well-being. Without this, I would be struggling so much (or more than I already do.) 

On this 2nd Father's Day since my dad lost his battle with lung cancer, I choose to focus on the Joy that we shared together!  I choose to take the time to cultivate joyful experiences for myself.  (Disclaimer: This by no means that I don't allow myself time for sadness.)

Joy is my job during times of overwhelm.

If you like this blog, you should check out my 7 day Yoga challenge in my blog or in my Private Facebook Group.  
I also have a Family Mindset Series to focus on shifting the collective emotions of the family.

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here

I'm so excited that you are joining me for the 7 day Yoga Challenge!

I'm so excited that you are joining me for the 7 day Yoga Challenge!
Good day!
So, here's how the challenge will work.  I was inspired by Yoga with Adriene.  She has some really wonderful yoga videos on her Youtube channel and website.  If you want to follow along with her challenge for some more oomph, here is her website and welcome video. In her video, she stresses the importance of a daily walk and drinking lemon water upon waking up.  I would love to add these to our challenge too for some added benefits!

In the Guides Section of my Private Facebook group, I have posted the day's yoga video and affirmation to repeat on your walk or while you drink your lemon water.  That way you can decide what time will work best for you.  Honestly, waking up with either a yoga session or a walk really sets my day on the right track.  It helps me sustain motivation for the rest of the day!  But, do what fits your schedule!

One more thing...there is a task each day!  Just a simple Q+A that's all.  We all need some accountability and participation incentives!  Also, I have prizes for participation!

Today's question is: What is your intention for this 7 day challenge? Use the list of 38 benefits from the article and give us a few!

Grab the Free PDF 15 Ways to Build Self compassion here
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